3 Week look ahead 8/19

Week of 8/19/24 : Steel continues installing safety, detailing deck , welder on site
                               8/20/24 - will start welding studs on deck. Thursday 8/22/24 should
                               Complete Friday 8/23/24 .
                               Inspect studs Friday 8/23/24 @ 12pm
                               8/21/24 : Allen to provide labor to blow deck dry for welder
                               UTS : inspect steel 8/20/24 @ 12:00pm
                               Excavating : continue prepping site - backfilling, prep for
                                Storm interceptors
Week of 8/26/24:  Steel should be 100% Monday 8/26/24 weather permitting
                               Electrical : install sleeves on deck
                               Plumber to install sleeves on deck
                               Concrete : prep deck for wire, chairs, rebar, thermal break,
                                Slab on deck pour : 8/29/24 -250 +/- yards tresca ,pump ,UTS
                                Conneely Contracting : continue prepping site for infiltration
                                 Systems ,drain & sewer man holes , water and electrical services
Week of 9/2/24:   Conneely Contracting : continue prepping site underground -
                               Drainage ,water,sewer ,electrical ,retaining walls ,prep for garage
                               Floor drains / cast iron
                               VMA - install temp lighting in garage
                               Pittol Concrete : prep garage for SOG pour phase #1
                               Carlos (plumber ) install for drains at garage underground & inspect
Week of 9/ 9/24 : Pittol Concrete Contracting prep SOG - form ,wire ,chairs ,re-bar
                              And pour phase #1 , prep & pour SOG phase #2

Week of 9/16/24 : Turnkey - start level #1 wall panels


3 week look ahead 8/26


3 Week look ahead 8/12